Senin, 01 Oktober 2012


Origin - origin petroleum and natural gas derived from animals - marine animals large or small shallow sea life which then dies and then terendapkan, resulting in a long period of time will be covered by a thick layer. Due to the influence of time, pressure, temperature the Internet. sediment beings turned into Petroleum (petroleum) of Oil and Gas. Oil and Gas Edapan can be described as: soft rock derived from mud containing oil spots known as the host rock or "soure rock". Furthermore, oil and gas will migrate towards the lower pressure tempet and eventually accumulates in places called trap (trap). A trap can contain: * Oil, gas, and water * Oil and water * Gas ​​and water Because of differences in density, if all three are in a trap and is in stable condition, always in the gas, oil and water in the middle at the bottom. Gas contained oil together called "associated gas" while self contained in a trap called a "non-associated gas". From the explanation above, it can be formulated into several tiory. There are three kinds of theories that explain the formation of oil and gas. 1. Theory "biogenetic" or better known by the theory of "organic". 2. The theory of "inorganic". 3. Theory "duplex" which is a mix of the two previous theories. Duplex theory that many widely accepted by explaining that the oil and gas coming from different types of marine organisms both animal and vegetable. Chemically Migas is: a multicomponent hydrocarbon mixture. Oil and gas can be a mixture of paraffinic hydrocarbon compounds, napthecnic, or aromatic (very rare). Examples of mixed paraffinic compounds that have the main components, namely: Elemental Carbon (C) and hydrogen (H), with a compound of general formula: CnH2n +2. Some of the types of groups are paraffinic Methana (CH4), ethane (C2H6), Propane (C3H8), Butane (C4H10), Pentane (C5H12), Hexana (C6H14), heptane (C7H16). But there are elements of that jam Impuritis or entrained elements are: Carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen (N2). Hydrogen sulfide (H2S). From the above elements can be further grouped into: 1. Gas Elements consist of: C1 - C4 2. Liquid Elements consist of: C5 - C17 3. Elemental solids: C18 and above Crude Namely: a mixture consisting mostly of hydrocarbons in the grade paraffin, naptena, aromatic, and impuritis. Crude oil wells each field has a number of different degrees and different qualities depending on the condition of the Oil and Gas is formed. Percentage of Heavy Crude Oil Element Elements presen weight (%) 1. Carbon 84-87 2. Hydrogen 11-14 3. Sulfur 0.06 to 2.0 4. Nitrogen 0.1 to 0.2 5. Oxygen from 0.1 to 2.0 Broadly speaking, the oil can be formulated according to their chemical properties, namely: 1. Straight Chain Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Compounds Straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons called alkanes or normal paraffin. These compounds are widely available in natural gas and oil, which has a short carbon chain. Example: CH3 - CH3 and CH3 - CH2 - CH3 ethane propane 2. Cyclic Hydrocarbons Compound Shape Cyclic hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons or cycloparaffins cycloalkane group. Hydrocarbon compounds have the same molecular formula alkenes (CnH2n), but did not have a double bond (only have single bonds such as alkanes) and form a ring structure. In petroleum, the intermolecular cyclic sometimes combine to form a molecule that consists of several cyclic compounds. 3. Compounds Aliphatic Hydrocarbon Chain Branching Compound class isoalkana or isoparaffins. Amount of hydrocarbons is not as straight-chain aliphatic hydrocarbons and cyclic hydrocarbons form. 4. Compound Aromatic Hydrocarbons Aromatic hydrocarbons are hydrocarbons in the form of cyclic hexagons, doubly bonded alternately, and an unsaturated hydrocarbon. In general, these aromatic hydrocarbons found in petroleum that has a large number of C atoms. Natural Gas Consisting of a volatile paraffin group C1 - C4. Beberpa forms can be classified as follows: 1. Sweat Gas: Natural gas is a no / low in H2S 2. Sour Gas: Natural gas is a mengamdung H2S in bulk (corrosive). 3. Dry Gas: The Natural Gas Hydrocarbons containing only light. 4. Wet Gas: Gas which contains heavy hydrocarbons. Natural gas consists mainly of methane. Indonesia is one of the major producers of natural gas from gas fields primarily Bontang (Kalimantan) and the Arun gas field (Aceh). Natural gas produced from wells drilled. To facilitate transport liquefied natural gas is called LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas). Natural gas is mainly used as a household fuel, or heating during the winter. In addition, natural gas also serves as a source of hydrogen and as a raw material for various industries.

2 komentar:

  1. some people use to used the kerosene in traditional medicine , especially when having the stomachache and then they smear it around it . but whether there will be a negative impact if used it continuously?

  2. Excuse me, I want to ask the oil formation process theory known to date there are two major theories, namely the theory of inorganic and organic theory. Inorganic theory is now rarely used in oil and gas exploration. One of the developers of an organic theory are the followers of creationist - or adherents of the principle of creation, it is anti-evolutionary theory :). An-organic theory is also often known abiotic or abiogenic. I ask what the difference between the theory of petroleum pembentukn inorganic with organic theory ??
