Senin, 08 Oktober 2012

hydrocarbon derivatif

Basically, carbon compounds can be classified into hydrocarbon compounds and their derivatives. Hydrocarbons derived compounds are carbon compounds that contain atoms other than carbon and hydrogen atoms, such as alcohols, aldehydes, protein, and carbohydrates. Judging from the way the carbon-carbon bond, hydrocarbons can be grouped into two major parts namely : a. Aliphatic hydrocarbons, the hydrocarbons that make up the carbon chain with the open end, either straight or branched chain. Aliphatic compounds are distinguished as follows 1) saturated hydrocarbon compound, a hydrocarbon compound covalently bonded to a single. For example, compounds alkanes.
Natural gas and petroleum aliphatic hydrocarbons classified. 2) unsaturated hydrocarbon compounds, a compound covalently bonded hydrocarbon duplicate or triplicate. For example, alkenes and alkynes. b. Cyclic hydrocarbons, are hydrocarbons with carbon chain end closed. Cyclic compounds are distinguished as follows. 1) alicyclic hydrocarbon compounds, a class of compounds with aliphatic carbon chain end closed. For example, cyclohexane and cyclohexene. 2) aromatic hydrocarbon compounds, a compound benzene and its derivatives. Examples of aromatic hydrocarbons are benzene, naphthalene, toluene, and so on.
Compounds derived hydrocarbons Compounds containing atoms C, H and O which is derived of hydrocarbons alkanes, alkenes and alkynes are grouped into alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acid and ester based group function. Functional group is an atom or group of atoms with a specific arrangement that determine the structure and properties of a compound. Compounds have the same functional groups are grouped into the same group. The functional group is the most reactive when these compounds reacts with other substances.
 a. alcohol Alcohol has the general formula R-OH. The structure is similar to water, but the hydrogen is replaced by an alkyl group. Alcohol functional group is hydroxyl group,-O. Alcohol is made up of the elements C, H, and O. Structure alcohol: R-OH primary, secondary and tertiary
Physical properties of alcohol:
 • Boiling point of alcohol> Boiling Point alkenes with the same number of elements of C (ethanol = 78o C, ethene = -88.6 o C)
• Generally, hydrogen bond
 • The density of alcohol> BJ alkenes
 • short-chain alcohol (methanol, ethanol) dissolved in water (= polar) Alcohol Structure: R - OH R-CH2-OH (R) 2CH-OH Secondary Immer Pr (R) 3C-OH For most people the word is associated with ether anesthesia. ether question is the only one of the group members ethers, are compounds that has two organic groups attached to a single oxygen atom. The general formula ether is RO-R ', the R and R'-it can be the same or different, can gugusnya be alkyl or aryl. In general anesthetic its second R is an ethyl group. CH3CH2- O-CH2CH3. Ether is an isomer or derivative of alcohol (element H in OH replaced by alkyl or aryl). Ether containing elements C, H, and O.
 Physical properties of ether:
• ether compounds such as short-chain C is liquid at room temperature and its boiling point up with the addition of the element C.
• Ether medah short chain C is water soluble, long-chain ether with difficult soluble in water and soluble in organic solvents.
• Flammable
• Elements of the same C Boiling point ether> boiling point alkanes and non polar compounds 
• Physical properties of formaldehyde: a gas that smells very stimulating 
• acrolein = propanal = CH2 = CH-CHO: liquid, pungent odor, extremely reactive.
 Example: Formaldehyde = methanal = H-CHO Properties: the only aldehyde gaseous at room temperature, no a colorless, pungent smells, larutanya from 40% in H2O called formalin. 
Usage: as desinfektans, hardened proteins (preserve Biological samples), making artificial resin. ketones Ketone is an organic compound that has a cluster carbonyl (C = O) attached to two alkyl groups, two aryl group or an alkyl and an aryl.
 The properties together with the aldehydes. Structure: (R) 2-C = O 
Example: propanone = dimethyl ketone = acetone = (CH3) 2-C = O 
• Properties: Colorless liquid, volatile, a good solvent. 
• Usage: as a solvent. Acetophenone = methyl phenyl ketone 
• Nature: berhablur, colorless 
• Usage: as a hypnotic, as fenasil chloride (kloroasetofenon) used as tear gas. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives The most important organic acids are carboxylic acids. group function is a carboxyl group, short of two parts, namely the carbonyl group and hydroxyl. RCO2H or RCOOH 
The characteristics of carboxylic acids 
• Contain the COOH group attached to the alkyl group (R-COOH) and aryl groups (Ar-COOH) 
• solubility with alcohol 
• Acid by the number of C 1-4: soluble in water 
• Acid by the number of C = 5: x water-soluble acid by the number of C> 6: insoluble in water ROCOH 
• Soluble in organic solvents such as ether, alcohol, and benzene 
• Boiling point carboxylic acid> alcohol boiling point by the number of C equal. 
Example: = Formic acid HCOOH 
Physical properties: liquid, colorless, skin damage, smelling, perfectly soluble in H2O. 
Usage: for latex coagulation, penyamakkan leather, textiles, and fungicides. Acetic acid = CH3-COOH Trait: Liquid, TL 17o C, TD 118o C, soluble in H2O perfectly Usage: synthesis of anhydrous acetic acid, esters, salts, dyes, substances fragrance, pharmaceuticals, plastics, artificial fibers, cellulose and as a food additive. ......... 
My Problem : Why alicyclic hydrocarbon carbon chain circular shape?

2 komentar:

  1. I try to answer your question guys..
    One of the privileges of carbon that is not owned by the other elements is their ability to form chains of carbon atoms, which we hereafter refer to as the carbon chain.

    Carbon chains may be either a single bond, double bond, or a triple bond. Forms of carbon chains themselves are very varied, there is a straight (unbranched), there is a branching, there are open, and there is a closed (circular). Cyclic compounds having conjugated bonds, the carbon-carbon bond alternating single and dual, are called aromatic compounds. All cyclic compounds that are not included aromatic compounds are called alicyclic compounds, (the word comes from the word ali alicyclic and cyclic). These compounds are called alicyclic compound because it has a circular shape, but its properties resemble aliphatic compounds.
    BC has the electron configuration of atoms 2 4. The four valence electrons distributed on the four C atoms in a symmetrical position.

    The ability to bind carbon atoms and follow the octet rule is different from other atoms, even within a single class.

  2. Alicyclic hydrocarbon or cyclic hydrocarbon composed of carbon atoms arranged in a ring or more.
    - Cyclic hydrocarbon compound is a compound of carbon chain C and its circular hoop may also bind the side chain. This group divided into alicyclic and aromatic compounds.

    · Alicyclic compounds are aliphatic carbon compounds that form a closed chain. about why the compound is closed we know less
