Senin, 01 Oktober 2012


Ethylene is a colorless liquid, viscous and sweet, easily soluble in water, has a relatively high boiling point and low freezing point. These compounds are commonly used as a solvent and material softener (softener). In agriculture ethylene is used as an astringent fruit cooking. Ethylene is a growth hormone which is generally different from auxin, and cytokinin griberelin. Under normal circumstances, a gaseous ethylene and its chemical structure is very simple. Ethylene in nature will take effect if the physiological changes in the plant. This hormone plays a role in fruit ripening phase klimaterik. Treatment of mangoes using ethylene at different concentrations will affect the process of fruit ripening. Fruit ripening is seen by the structure of yellow, soft fruit and flavor. Speed ​​ripening fruit grown there are substances encourages solving hoarding flour and sugar. The process of solving the flour and sugar accumulation is a cooking process that is characterized by changes in color, texture and smell of the fruit. The process of protein synthesis occurs in the maturation process of natural or hormonal glance, where the protein is synthesized as soon as the process of maturation. Fruit ripening and inhibited by protein synthesis in the early phase siklohexamin klimatoris after siklohexamin missing, then the synthesis of ethylene not have problems. Synthesis of ribonucleic also required in the process of maturation. Ethylene enhances the synthesis of RNA on a green mango. Ethylene can also be formed by the activity of auxin and ethylene able to eliminate the activity of auxin as ethylene can damage cell polarity transport, on condition of formation of ethylene anearob hampered, in addition to O2 temperature also affects the formation of ethylene. Ethylene formation rate decreases at temperatures above 30 0 C and stopped at a temperature of 40 0 ​​C, so that the mass storage of the fruit with anaerobic conditions would stimulate the formation of ethylene by the fruit. Ethylene produced by the cumulative effect of each fruit and fruit stimulate others to mature faster. Fruit based content amilumnya, divided into fruit and fruit klimaterik nonklimaterik. Klimaterik fruit is a fruit that contains a lot of starch, such as banana, mango, apple and avocado ripeness can be stimulated by ethylene. Endogenous ethylene produced by the fruit that has been cooked by itself can stimulate the maturation of the fruit bunch brooded. The fruit is a fruit that contains nonklimaterik amilumnya few, such as oranges, grapes, watermelon and pineapple. Provision of ethylene on the type of fruit can stimulate respiration rate, but can not stimulate endogenous ethylene production and ripening fruit. Klimaterik and fruit ripening process due to chemical changes in the activity of the enzyme pyruvate dekanoksilase causing keanaikan amount of acetaldehyde and ethanol that increased CO2 production. Ethylene produced in ripening mangoes will increase respirasinya process. Stage where mangoes are still in good condition if some of the contents of cells that comprise the vacuole. Physiological changes that occur sealam maturation process is the process of respiration kliamterik, allegedly in the process of ripening by ethylene affects respiration klimaterik in two ways, namely: Ethylene affects membrane permeability, cell permeability becomes so great, that resulted in the softening process that accelerated respiration metabolism. During klimaterik, increased protein content and is believed to stimulate protein synthesis of ethylene over at that point. Proteins are formed will be seen in the maturation process and the process klimaterik enzymes increased respiration.

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